Timing is everything. But sometimes, timing doesn’t work out. When a company’s lease is up – but the new office space isn’t ready for occupancy – Eagle Transfer can make it work. We recently serviced a large Manhattan law firm who had a gap between their leases… a 10-week gap. No small feat, but this was …
The preparation for a commercial move in New York City can be stressful and it may take a significant amount of time. With all of the moving parts (and items), it is quite common that businesses planning a move will take advantage of commercial storage solutions. Storage allows a business to productively and efficiently exit …
For companies of all sizes and sectors, commercial moving can be a challenging task. The complexity and density of New York City, in particular, can make things even more difficult. But, while the commercial moving process does require a lot to get done on time, there are a few things that are absolute musts for …
Welcome to Eagle’s Eye Inter-View, a new series in which Eagle Transfer profiles the people that help make it one of the leading office movers in New York City. Ryan Eisner Role at Eagle Transfer: Vice President, Sales Describe your role: I have many roles at Eagle Transfer. My primary role is to generate business. …
Let’s face it: Office moving in New York City is tough. It can also get expensive. However, if you’re willing to get a little creative, there are ways to do it without breaking the bank. For companies, organizations, and institutions with limited budgets like startups and nonprofit organizations, commercial moving often presents a whole new …
It was Ferris Bueller who, on his day off, once said, “Life moves pretty fast.If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” In our case, that means stopping to reflect on the plethora of office relocations we’ve completed in our 40-plus-year history as one of the best commercial …
As one of the leading office movers in New York City, we see commercial relocations of all sizes and scopes. We also become familiar and build relationships with the metropolis’ vast system of office buildings. On a recent weekend, we successfully completed an office move for Dorilton Capital, a thriving investment firm, at 32 Avenue …
Welcome to Eagle’s Eye Inter-View, a new series in which Eagle Transfer profiles the people that help make it one of the leading office movers in New York City. Evan Eisner Role at Eagle Transfer: Account executive Describe your role: My role here at Eagle Transfer is an account executive, which gives me an opportunity …
Amazon has canceled its plans to build an expansive corporate campus in Long Island City, Queens, a noxious chemical smell continues to nauseate riders of the L train, which may or may not be soon getting shut down for 15 months, and the Knicks continue to play like complete crap. But guess what? There is …
When it comes to office movers in New York City, Eagle Transfer has soared above the rest for over 40 years, providing companies and organizations with top-notch service in commercial relocation. But did you know that in addition to specializing in office moving, and office storage, we also offer complete office decommission? If you’re a …
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