Commercial Moving Tips for Your New York City Office Move

For companies of all sizes and sectors, commercial moving can be a challenging task. The complexity and density of New York City, in particular, can make things even more difficult. But, while the commercial moving process does require a lot to get done on time, there are a few things that are absolute musts for any company, organization or institution getting ready for an office relocation, and keeping these in mind will make for a smoother New York City office move. To that end, here are some key tips that you should keep in mind when getting ready for a commercial move in New York City!

Update your digital and physical addresses: Always update your physical address with the post office as well as on your website, blog, and social media profiles to reflect your new address and contact information. This will help get the word out about our move and avoid confusing any clients or customers too, who try to contact you during the move process.

Reserve freight elevators and loading docks in advance: When getting ready for a New York City office, perhaps nothing is more critical than reserving the freight elevator and loading dock space well in advance of the move day. This is vital for allowing your office movers to access your building and workspace, so don’t wait until the last minute.

Create a checklist: Another important commercial moving tip is to create a proper move checklist beforehand. This should include designating a person(s) that will handle the details of the move and will help you keep track of what and when it needs to happen.

Announce your move: Make a point to announce your move to your clients and customers at least a week or two before your planned relocation. While this may seem time-consuming and difficult to do, it’s actually pretty easy in this day and age! Email newsletters, flyers, radio, and TV advertising, social media and website updates are all ways to let the public know about your new address and contact information. Another simple way is to put the news in your email signature!

Update Your vendors: While it’s important to let your clients and customers know about your new address, don’t forget about your vendors. Let them know your new address and contact information before moving and be sure to redirect any regular shipments to your new address to avoid confusion.

Obtain a certificate of insurance and any necessary legal documents: Always obtain a Certificate of Insurance, also known as a COI, and any sort of other relevant legal documentation before moving. This will allow your office movers to access your current and new locations and avoid any last-minute complications as you prepare for move day. 

Hire office movers well in advance: Finally, always hire your office movers well in advance of your planned move. Too many companies think waiting just a week or two before your move will allow for proper time and preparation, but an adequately-planned move requires much longer periods of planning and coordination with your moving company. The earlier your commercial movers are hired, the better, and if you’re in New York City, look no further than Eagle Transfer!

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to