Dorilton Capital Continues Growing

As one of the leading office movers in New York City, we see commercial relocations of all sizes and scopes. We also become familiar and build relationships with the metropolis’ vast system of office buildings.

On a recent weekend, we successfully completed an office move for Dorilton Capital, a thriving investment firm, at 32 Avenue of the Americas, a building where we have done a number of commercial moves over our 40 years in business.

Dorilton Capital was already located at 32 Avenue of the Americas, occupying the 17th floor. For this office move, we relocated a group of employees from a co-working space the firm had been using nearby, into a new floor. We also shifted some items internally between the two floors.

Here is an image once we finished the office relocation.

We congratulate Dorilton Capital for its expansion, and hope to work with the firm again should it have any need for New York City office moving (or office storage!) should arise.

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to