Eagle’s Eye Inter-View: Evan Eisner

Welcome to Eagle’s Eye Inter-View, a new series in which Eagle Transfer profiles the people that help make it one of the leading office movers in New York City.

Evan Eisner

Role at Eagle Transfer: Account executive

Describe your role: My role here at Eagle Transfer is an account executive, which gives me an opportunity to wear a few different hats. The first thing I am responsible for is assuring my clients are happy and satisfied with our service. This includes keeping an open line of communication when projects are occurring as well as being on-site to give full support to our clients’ staff and our project-management team. Secondly, I am responsible for cultivating new business for Eagle. Business development is a key to keep our firm growing in the right direction for the future.

Years in commercial moving: Six years in total. I’ve been an account executive for four years, but when I was in college I would work as a laborer for the company as a summer job.

Most memorable commercial relocation: Foot Locker’s corporate office. It was my first monumental project which consisted of over 200,000 square feet and a few hundred employees. Also, as a passionate sports fan, I enjoyed spending time in their corporate office for over a month.

Favorite building you’ve done work in: 55 Hudson Yards. I have personally oversaw a few of Eagle’s clients move into the new state-of-the-art development. It’s exciting to see New York keep progressing and building new structures to keep our city beautiful.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?

I love spending time with my family as well as my friends. To me, there is nothing better than catching a ball game with my father.

What do you know now about the moving industry that you wish you’d known five years ago?

How important of a role we play here in New York’s commercial real-estate world. Most relocations take place after normal business hours, so the majority of employees do not see the process play out. However, the moving industry is responsible for making sure each company securely moves into their new space.

Why should you hire Eagle Transfer for your office move?

Eagle has been a successful business for over 40 years. This is not by coincidence. Our experience and client references speak for themselves. Our current staff of account executives and operations team will always go the extra mile to assure that our clients are happy with our services all while getting the job done correctly and within budget.

Advice for planning an office relocation: Be organized and hire a vendor that you trust. When moving, the person in charge has a responsibility to assure that all of their companies vital belongings make it to their new space. It is a large task, so it is important to bring on a vendor that will bring value to your team and will help guide you through the process.

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to nkrommydas@eagletransfer.com