Why Office Liquidations are a Great Idea for Your Company

work office

Commercial moving and storage are critical components of office moving, but there’s another very important but sometimes overlooked aspect: office liquidation. For businesses, institutions and organizations of all sizes, office liquidations are a great way to not only ensure a seamless and hassle-free move, but also meet all the stipulations required in your lease. In addition, professional office liquidation services can also save your business a lot of money and hassle, helping your bottom line and freeing you to concentrate on other aspects of your corporate relocation.

But just what do office liquidations entail and how do they help businesses? Here’s a quick look at how office liquidation works and how it can greatly benefit your company, organization, or institution.

How Office Liquidations Work

The office liquidations process generally occurs shortly after an office relocation has taken place. Once the office space is vacant, professional office liquidators will enter to de-install and dispose of any cubicles, furniture, file cabinets and other content left behind. The vacant office is then subsequently cleaned and returned to “broom swept” condition, as is stipulated by most office leases. Ultimately, the result is a completely empty and cleaned office space that’s now ready for a future tenant.

Why Office Liquidations are a Great Idea

There are many reasons why office liquidations are very popular among tenants nowadays and increasingly used. By leaving the hard work to the professionals, you’re free to concentrate on other aspects of both moving and running your business day-to-day. It also ensures that any office lease requirements that your office space be left vacant and in “broom swept” condition are handled in a professional manner and fully met, avoiding incurring any penalties or legal troubles. Finally, office liquidations eliminate the need for storage space for unwanted furniture, cubicles and other office content not relocating to your new office space, saving your company a lot of money and hassle.

Eagle Transfer has more than 40 years of professional experience in office liquidations in the New York City area. For more information, please call (718)663-0400 or send us an email at sales@eagletransfer.com!