Tuesday Tips: Tips for Packing Your Office

office packing

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’re taking a quick look at one thing companies always dread when it comes to commercial moving: packing! It’s really the one thing that hits hard that the reality of the commercial moving process is officially underway for businesses. To make your New York City commercial moving project go much more smoothly, be sure to keep these packing tips in mind before the big moving day finally arrives!

Wrap Up Fragile Items Carefully. It goes without saying, but too many companies always overlook this in the rush to get everything packed up before the moving deadline! Take an extra minute to wrap up a fragile or valuable object extra carefully before moving. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Create a Checklist. Another important commercial moving tip when it comes to packing is to create a proper checklist beforehand. This will help you keep track of what needs to be packed and what’s already been packed away for transport.

Back Up Your Computer. Make a point to always back up your computer before moving to save any critical data it has stored on it. This will help to safeguard against any vital information being lost after the move is complete.

Pack Important Items First. When it comes to packing up your office, try to prioritize what needs to be packed up first and foremost. For example, folders with important financial documents in them should be placed in your moving crates first thing. This will help ensure that your most critical documents and supplies make it to your office without getting lost or forgotten along the way.

Pack Smaller Items into Separate Crates if Possible. When packing for your office relocation, try to place smaller items such as pens and note pads into smaller boxes or crates if at all possible. Doing so will help to keep them organize and make them much easier to unpack when the move is complete.

Office Purge First! Last but certainly not least, always undertake an extensive office purge before packing up for your move. Be sure to send clear instructions to employees on what’s okay to throw out and when the deadline is. Purging before packing is a simple but effective way to save time and money, not to mention minimize packing and unpacking time too!