Tuesday Tips: Organizing Documents for an Office Move

Office Files

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, let’s take a quick look at organizing documents for an office move. Commercial moving projects in a place like New York City require proper organizing and filing for documents before, during and after a move. Failing to do this for your office relocation project can lead to lost, missing or destroyed files – something no business ever needs! To that end, be sure to keep these document organizational tips in mind for your upcoming commercial moving project!

  • Label and transfer documents clearly. Any commercial moving project that involves relocating critical documents requires clear labelling and an organized relocation process. For best practices when it comes to organizing documents, separate and organize them by year, subject and, if needed, by client, into separate boxes. Use separate color-coded files for various subjects such as taxes, invoices, bills and the like. When done, take an inventory of each file to help track them and stay organized.
  • Buy packing supplies to ensure your files are safe. If you plan on using your own boxes for relocating your files, be sure to buy boxes made specifically for holding and transporting files as well as color-coded labels or markers. Doing so is a great way to make sure your files stay safe and organized during your office relocation project.
  • Trash any old documents. Go through your files carefully before moving and shred any old or unneeded documents before the moving process starts. This is always a simple yet very effective way to reduce the number of files relocating to your new office space, saving your company time, money and space at your new location.
  • Hold an office purge before moving. Staying on the topic of trashing old files before starting your commercial moving project in New York City, it’s always a great idea to hold a full office purge a week or two before your move actually begins. Ask your staff to thoroughly go through their own personal files and workstations and dispose of any unnecessary files lying around. This is a time-tested way to save space and money during your office moving project!
  • Put key documents on cloud computing storage. While it’s very important to take care of physical files during an office move, don’t neglect your digital files either! Use cloud computing services like Dropbox or Google Drive to save files and always be sure to back up any critical data on your computers before moving.

Photo Credit: Public Domain via Pixabay