Tuesday Tips: Office Liquidation

office space

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a quick look at office liquidation tips for your business. Commercial moving in New York City often requires tenants to completely vacate their current offices and subsequently leave them in “broom-swept” condition. This can be a time-consuming, expensive and risky task for many companies. Instead, your best bet for office liquidation projects is to contact professional office movers such as Eagle Transfer to get the job done efficiently, safely and professionally. Many companies, however, aren’t really familiar with the basics of office liquidation. Here’s a few quick tips and basic information to keep in mind!

  • Allow adequate time. It takes time to seriously consider if office liquidation is right for your business. Office content needs to be inventoried, evaluated, disassembled and ultimately disposed of. Begin planning your liquidation up to a year before your actual commercial relocation starts.
  • Weigh your options for storing, selling and donating office content. In addition to liquidation, also consider office storage as well as selling or donating office equipment you don’t need in your new office. This way, you can achieve maximum flexibility and work out what’s best for your company financially.
  • Take a detailed inventory. When getting ready for a commercial liquidation, take an inventory of any unneeded office content that will ultimately be liquidated as well as sold, donated or stored if you prefer. This can give you a much more holistic view of what will need to be liquidated and give you a rough estimate for how long it will take and how much it will cost your company.
  • Study your lease closely. Many New York City commercial leases require tenants to leave their offices completely cleared and in “broom-swept” condition upon vacating it. If this is the case for your business, then professional commercial liquidation should seriously be considered. Knowing what’s expected after you vacate your current office can help to avoid any fees or legal entanglements – something no business needs!  
  • Carefully consider what’s worth keeping and what isn’t. Talk with your office liquidators and financial department to see what works out best financially for your company. In some cases, an entire liquidation of all unnecessary office content may make the most sense. Other times, storing, donating or selling at least some content can pay off.
  • Do your research! Carefully weigh whether the time and liquidation fee is worth it for your company. Be sure to ask your office movers and liquidators any questions as soon as they arise to avoid any complications that could come up later!