Tuesday Tips: Moving Your Retail Business

nyc retail

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a quick look at commercial moving for retail businesses in New York City. Retail commercial moving poses a number of unique challenges for companies, as they must take into account factors such as foot traffic on projected sales revenue, customer accessibility and the like. By keeping a few simple tips in mind though, you’ll find that your retail moving project can go surprisingly smoothly! To that end, here are just a few tips for retail commercial moving in the New York City area.

  • Minimize business downtime. Commercial moving for retail businesses usually means lost revenue. However, this can and should be minimized by scheduling your move when you conduct the least amount of sales historically. Take a close look at your business records and determine a timeframe that makes the most sense to move financially. Try to get a head start by doing as much packing as you can in advance.
  • Remember to update business listings. Keeping your customers informed of your move is critical. To that end, always update any business listings before moving and take the time to update your website, social media profiles and blog as well. Be sure to also update your local search engine listings and online review site profiles too.
  • Keep in close touch with your customers. Communication with your customers is absolutely vital as you prepare for your relocation. If they don’t know when and where you’re moving to, you’re sure to lose much-needed revenue! The good news is that there’s more ways than ever to reach out to your customers. Social media, website updates, blog posts, email newsletters, flyers, direct mail and radio and TV advertising are just some of the ways to inform your customers of your new location. Utilize as many as possible to get the word out!
  • Move your unneeded inventory into storage or liquidate it. Unnecessary inventory will surely cost your business time, money and space. Liquidation is a great way to save money during your relocation while office storage for future use is another option to seriously consider as well!
  • Choose your new location carefully. Retail companies have a unique challenge when it comes to relocating, as foot traffic can make or break sales. When scouting for a new location, focus on areas that are heavily trafficked by pedestrians and have convenient access to transportation options, such as the subway or major street if possible to help boost your sales!