Tuesday Tips: Creating a Communication Plan

nyc office

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a quick look at how to create both an internal and external communications plan when starting the commercial moving process. Commercial moving in a place as busy and crowded as New York City can be a daunting task, even for companies with vast resources and deep experience relocating throughout the city. However, keeping a few simple tips in mind when it comes to communicating with your employees, clients, customers and vendors can make your office relocation go surprisingly seamlessly. Here are just a few things to keep in mind when drawing up your commercial moving communications plans.

  • Always create a communications plan for employees immediately after deciding to move. This is an overlooked but critical step in the office moving process. Creating a communications plan for employees is vital because it ensures that everyone is on the same page and knows exactly what to do during the relocation. Important items to communicate to employees include the new office location and directions on how to get there, new building rules, moving dates, packing procedures and when to vacate the current office so office movers can arrive. Having your HR department send out weekly or monthly moving updates to employees is always a good idea too.
  • Communicating your move to customers, clients and vendors is also key. Without doing this, your company runs the risk of losing out on valuable business as well as creating long-term confusion and further headaches down the line, something no company needs. Communicating your relocation to customers and clients, fortunately, can be accomplished in several ways, just a few of which include email newsletters, social media, website updates, blog posts, flyers, mailed postcards and the like. When informing clients and customers of your move, always be sure to inform them of not only the new address, but also how to get there and your new location’s contact information. Finally, always update your website and social media accounts about one to two weeks before your move to reflect your new address and contact information.
  • Finally, don’t neglect to plan for the long-term. Always be sure to order new business cards and stationery, notify the post office of your new address and to revise any traditional advertising, such as Yellow Pages ads. Doing this will help ensure your commercial moving process goes smoothly and positions your company, organization or institution well for the future.