Tuesday Tips: Conducting an Office Purge Before Moving

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Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a brief look at some tips on purging your office before your relocation. Office moving, especially in New York City, can be expensive and time-consuming. Fortunately, conducting an office purge is a great way to make your office moving project a lot simpler. Office purges involve cleaning out workstations and disposing of unneeded office content before moving, lightening your load and saving your company time and money. To that end, here are a few quick tips on how to conduct an office purge before your corporate relocation!

  • Hold an “office purge party” before moving. Before your office moving process actually begins, hold a party to get all your office employees together and make it a fun event! Order some pizza and dress down on a Friday afternoon to get everyone involved. While doing so, send out specific guidelines on what employees should consider disposing of to help them known exactly what needs to be done. By getting everyone involved socially, an office purge party can help address the uncertainty and procrastination that many employees face when it comes to throwing out old documents and supplies cluttering their workstations for too long.
  • Send out email reminders to employees. Before your planned office purge starts, send out an email reminder and follow-up emails to employees to let them know when the deadline for the office purge is. Be sure to let them know what they should throw out and who to address any questions too!
  • Ask employees to do a deep clean before moving. Your employees are the backbone of any office purge. While managers play a key role in cleaning out their own offices, it’s your employees that have the sheer volume of potential documents and supplies worth purging. To that end, enlist their help early and ask them to perform a deep clean for their workstations to dispose of any unnecessary documents and the like. By getting everyone to pitch in, your office moving project will be much more economical and quicker!
  • See what unnecessary files can be shredded before moving. While employees and managers have plenty of purging to do on their own workstations and offices, take a hard look at your filing cabinets too. Are there any old and outdated files that can be disposed of? Don’t forget to purge those too!
  • Don’t forget your supply cabinets and storage rooms! Finally, before your commercial moving process starts, don’t forget to purge your supply cabinets and storage rooms. While every office needs supplies, there’s likely to be some that aren’t needed in your new office. Take the opportunity to throw them out to lighten your moving load even further!