Tuesday Tips: Communicating With Your Office Movers, Employees and Clients

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’re taking a quick look at how to effectively communicate with your office movers, employees, clients, customers and vendors during a commercial moving project. Since commercial moving in New York City can be complex and sometimes overwhelming for all parties involved, its critical to communicate on an effective basis with everyone. Keeping your channels of communication open, laying out clear instructions and asking questions are all vital for any commercial moving project. Failing to do so will only make your office move more complicated! With that in mind, here are a few simple but effective tips for communicating during a commercial moving project.

Inform your employees early. When it comes to office moving, give your employees and managers plenty of time to prepare. Inform your staff immediately after you decide to officially relocate your office to avoid any distracting rumors that you hamper your company’s productivity!

Send out weekly or monthly email updates to your staff. When moving, send out weekly or monthly progress updates to employees about how the move is progressing, what’s been accomplished so far and what still needs to be done. Keeping your employees informed will help your move go much smoother and everyone on the same page as to what’s happening.

Designate a point of contact for all moving-related questions. It’s also a good idea to designate a point of contact, such as an HR professional, to direct all moving-related questions to. This will centralize any questions or concerns and make addressing them more efficient and effective.

Make your instructions and deadlines clear. When giving out deadlines or instructions to staff, such as when workstations should be vacated and fully packed up, always bold out the date and time in the email. Sending follow-up email reminders is generally a good idea, too.

Get the word out about your move one to two weeks before it happens. Always make a point to inform your customers, clients and vendors about your move shortly before it happens to. This can be accomplished in many ways nowadays, including email newsletters, flyers, TV and radio ads, social media updates, blog posts and website updates.

Remember to use your office movers for information! Finally, don’t be afraid to ask your office movers for advice! If you have a question, contact them immediately. Open communications and adequate coordination between companies and professional office movers is critical for an effective and timely office relocation.