Tuesday Tips: Basic Office Moving Tips for Your Company

office moving

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a quick “back to the basics” look at office moving your companies in the New York City area. As complex as office moving is, it’s always important to remember a few basic tips to ensure that your office commercial project goes seamlessly and smoothly. To that end, here are a few basic office moving tips your business should always keep in mind!

  • Plan early! Never wait until the last minute when it comes to commercial moving in New York City. Start planning at least six months before your target moving date at a minimum. Larger companies should aim for around two years before moving.
  • Move on nights and weekends. Always move on nights and weekends if possible. This will reduce business downtime and disruption, allowing you to hit the ground running on Monday morning in your new office!
  • Reserve loading docks and freight elevators in advance. At both your current and new office buildings, be sure to reserve any loading docks and freight elevators well in advance. In addition, always ask your current and new building managers if there are any special requirements that should be met, such as restrictions on overnight parking rules.
  • Announce your move ahead of time. A week or two before moving, be sure to get the word out to your clients, customers and vendors. This can be done in a number of ways, including email newsletters, social media updates, blog posts, flyers, TV and radio advertising and the like.
  • Purge your office before moving. Holding an office purge before moving is a great way to save time, money and office space! Shortly before moving, have your employees throw out any unneeded files and office supplies to lighten your load and make your relocation more efficient.
  • Obtain Certificates of Insurance ahead of time. It’s critical to obtain any Certificates of Insurance or similar legal documentation before moving. Do this several days in advance to avoid any last-minute complications!
  • Create moving budgets and checklists. Finally, creating office moving budgets and checklists is a great way to track expenses as well as keep your move organized and on-schedule. No matter how big or small your company is, creating both a moving budget and a checklist is a must!