Top 5 Things to Look for in a Commercial Mover

Corporate relocation is no joke….just ask our team of experts who have been doing it since 1974. Here are the top five things you should consider before signing a contract.

A slick web site means nothing. Only a reputable mover with recommendations from recent moves will stand the test of time. Many movers claim they offer commercial moving, when they’re really experts at residential moves. (Big difference!) Do they have case studies on their site? Shop around – get word-of-mouth references. Check the BBB. Check their Google reviews. And if you’re really ready to pull the trigger – ask them for references of recent moves. Ask about moves that are similar in size and scale to yours – for example, a 1,000 seat IT company or a small bookstore.

Commercial Office Moving NYC

A moving company based in Manhattan is going to be the best choice for a Manhattan corporate relocation. They know the lay of the land. They’ve likely done work in the building you’re moving to/from. For any relocation, working with a moving company that is well-established and has a reputation for quality service is important. Thorough research should be performed before deciding on a reputable moving company to handle your office relocation. Eagle Transfer is the premier commercial moving company in NYC. Known and trusted since 1974, our project managers and movers are reliable, professional and experienced.

Estimates. Lists. Floor plans. What’s the run of show? For a move of this magnitude, you want a proper project plan in place – well before the day of the move. Moving day is no time for a huddle and a plan. Our movers are briefed on the job specifications before they arrive on site and they have an understanding of the timeline, the plan, any special equipment needed, the number of trucks and any special considerations. An Eagle Transfer Project Manager will be overseeing it all and will be your single point of contact, so if any concerns arise before, after or ON moving day, you know who to call.

This is a no-brainer, right? You’d never entrust your corporate furnishings, computers, artwork or other effects to a business that isn’t insured to the max. But you’d be surprised. Feel free to ask for insurance documents, and if they hedge or hesitate – walk away. They may have a bad track record and that’s one headache you just don’t need.

Ease-of-doing business
Some people will go clear across town for a cup of coffee just because they like the people across the counter. The same holds true for a transaction like corporate relocation. Do you feel at ease when you speak to your Project Manager? Is the paperwork completed, orderly and thorough? Do you have all of the supplies you need – prior to moving day? Do you feel like you repeat yourself and they’re just not listening? This is a red flag. Ask for a clear project plan and make sure you feel comfortable that the Project Management team will execute.