A complete guide from an NYC commercial moving company.

Any company that’s ever moved within New York City knows how complicated – and stressful – it can be. As the leading NYC office moving company, Eagle Transfer is here to help you plan your office relocation, ensuring a successful move.

  1. Start planning as early as possible. A move of this magnitude can take months – even a year – to plan successfully. Establish a timeline for the move. When do you need to be out of your current space? How long will it take to unpack and be up and running? Are there any mission-critical dates where your office cannot risk disruption? (For example, Tax Day or Black Friday.) Knowing your timeline right from the start can reduce stressors down the road.
  2. Hire a professional NYC office moving company. Ensure that the company you hire has experience with commercial moves, not residential. It’s the responsibility of the company and the team to handle any obstacles or complications – an experienced mover who understands the ins and outs of commercial moves is best suited for the job. And one who is experienced with NYC moves – not New Jersey, not New England, but New York City. They’ll know where the trucks can go, and can’t. Don’t forget to check references – and liability insurance is a must.
  3. Hire movers that offer a variety of other services. Do you need commercial storage during the move or after the move? Many movers offer office storage solutions for extra inventory, or for short-term storage during the move. Do you need liquidation services for unused office furniture or old technology? Do you need a commercial mover that’s expert at technology relocation?
  4. Don’t go it alone. If you’re the office manager or business owner, you don’t have to do this by yourself. Create a moving committee with key employees to help coordinate all aspects of the move. Be sure to include IT/tech staff as part of your moving committee as they will play a critical role ensuring all your servers, printers, phones and computers get moved safely and installed correctly in the new location.
  5. Create a communication plan. How will you communicate the move to employees? To clients or vendors? It’s important to keep the lines of communication open with staff – this can impact their daily routine, their commute time, and other things like proximity to daycare. Let them know what to expect and provide them with information as soon as possible. Keeping people in the dark only causes stress and unease. This is exciting – be positive and talk about the perks associated with the new location. Is there a gym? A great deli nearby?
  6. Create a floor plan: Once you know the square footage, you’ll need a floor plan to help determine the layout of your new space and ensure that everything and everyone will fit. It will also help you determine the placement of furniture and equipment and identify any potential issues with the layout. Your movers will need this, so be ready!
  7. Create a purge day. The last thing you want to do is pay professional movers to move things that could be tossed. If you have closets full of old t-shirts, or envelopes with the old logo, it’s better to trash these items before the move. Rent shredders for old files that are no longer needed. Put on music and order pizza for everyone – getting rid of old stuff can be fun.
  8. Label and inventory items: Label and inventory all items that will be moved, including furniture, equipment, and files. This will help ensure that nothing is lost or damaged during the move.
  9. Update your address: Don’t forget to update your address with all relevant parties, including clients, vendors, and suppliers – and especially your online presence like Google and phone directories.
  10. Create a test plan for all IT systems: Make sure that all IT systems are set up and tested before employees return to work in the new office. This includes phone systems, internet connections, and computer networks.
By following these tips, you can ensure that your office move goes smoothly and without any major hiccups or disruption of business. Eagle Transfer is the premier commercial moving company in NYC. Known and trusted since 1974, our project managers and movers are reliable, professional and experienced. If you’re about to embark on the journey of a commercial move – large or small – trust Eagle Transfer.