Getting Ready for Your Office Relocation

office employees nyc

It’s really no secret that commercial moving in the New York City area can be tricky. There’s a lot to do in a limited amount of time – and with little margin for error, too! Preparing for an office move can certainly feel overwhelming to even companies experienced with relocating all over the city multiple times. Fortunately, by keeping a few simple tips in mind, your commercial moving project can go surprisingly seamlessly and efficiently. Here are just a few things to keep in mind when preparing for commercial moving in New York City.

Determine a Timeframe and Dates

One of the first and most critical commercial moving preparation aspects is to determine the dates and timeframe of your move at least 8 weeks in advance at a minimum. This will help give your office movers a clearer picture of your office moving timeline and help you plan for any important meetings or events that may impact your moving schedule.

Coordinate with Your Landlord and Property Manager

Always contact your landlord and property manager several weeks in advance of your office relocation. Be sure to iron out all of the details and address any pressing questions or issues immediately after they arise.

Develop a Communications Plan

Develop an internal communications plan for your company. It’s generally a good idea to send out frequent moving updates to your workforce via email and to designate someone, preferably an HR professional, as a reference point to which all moving-related queries by employees should be directed to.

Inform Your Employees of What’s Expected of Them

Be sure to let your employees know what’s expected of them before your move, such as when their desks should be vacated and what they should pack. Keep them informed of any hard deadlines or last-minute changes related to your office move.

Update Your Address and Contact Information

Update your physical address as well as any digital addresses on your website, blog and social media. In addition, keep your customers and clients informed of your move via email newsletters, social media posts, blog updates and the like.

Purge Your Office of Unneeded Content

Finally, as you begin preparing for the office moving process, try to do a deep clean of your current office. Purge any unnecessary files, furniture, equipment and other office content by disposing of it, selling it or donating it to a charitable cause. This is a great way to save both money and office space at your new location!