Timing is everything. But sometimes, timing doesn’t work out. When a company’s lease is up – but the new office space isn’t ready for occupancy – Eagle Transfer can make it work.
We recently serviced a large Manhattan law firm who had a gap between their leases… a 10-week gap. No small feat, but this was not something Eagle has not seen or done before.
First, we relocated all of the clients selected belongings into our warehouse facility. This included personal effects, files, technology and furniture of 280 employees. And because 100 of them are partners, they had years and years’ worth of records… clients’ files took up rooms of space. Additionally, the firm had its own mail room and records room filled with metal storage racks, mailboxes and packaging supplies that needed to be dismantled and packed up for storage. We secured all of these furnishings and technology in our temperature-controlled, fully secure warehouse for 10 weeks. Everything was numbered, catalogued and well protected.
When the new space was ready, we protected all of the floors, walls, corners and elevators with polynite, koroflex, movers’ blankets and cushions to minimize potential damage. We moved in the entire contents of the previous office, into a state-of-the-art office on 6th Ave – a deluxe 3-floor office spanning 120,000 square feet. We assembled and installed every employees monitor arms and their technology. We did this working hand-in-hand with the office managers and IT staff to ensure a smooth move. By working closely with the on-site staff, we were able to ensure that every crate, carton, computer and piece of furniture made it to their proper location, and computers were hooked up and operational.
Soon after the load-in, all 280 employees of the firm were up-and-running, enjoying their posh new space.