A Beginner’s Guide to Office Liquidation

office liquidation

Office moving in New York City can seem like a hassle, especially when it comes to ensuring your lease terms are met and your current office cleared out in time for new tenants to arrive. That’s why office liquidation is such a great idea for companies of all sizes in the New York City area. Office liquidation helps to ensure that your lease conditions are met in professional and timely basis and that the task of clearing out your current office is left to professional office movers, saving your company time and company as well as giving you additional time to focus on the move itself.

But just what exactly is office liquidation? How can it benefit your business? This guide takes a quick yet detailed look at these questions!

How does office liquidation work?

Office liquidations are the process of clearing out office space for new tenants to arrive. Right after an office move has occurred, office liquidators will enter the office to fully de-install and dispose of any content left behind, such as furniture, cubicles, workstations and the like. The now-empty office is then fully cleaned and left in broom-swept condition, making it ready for the new tenant to enter without a hitch.

What are the benefits of it?

Choosing to utilize professional office liquidating services can offer a number of key benefits for your business, institution or organization. By leaving the entire process to the professionals, you can save your company a significant amount of time and money and ensure the job is done right. Choosing professional office liquidators also frees you to focus on the relocation itself, enabling you to concentrate on just the aspects of commercial moving rather than worrying about how to clear out your office in time. In addition, office liquidations eliminate the need for commercial storage and are also a great way to ensure that your lease conditions are fully met, as most require that old office spaces be vacated and left in broom-swept condition before new tenants arrive.

How do I know if it’s right for my company?

The most important question to ask is what your lease requires your office to look like once you’ve vacated it and left for a new location. If it stipulates that the space is to be fully cleared out and left in broom-swept condition, then professional office liquidating services are an excellent way to make sure that requirement is met. You may also want to choose professional office liquidating services if you lack the resources and manpower to fully clear out your old office by yourself and also don’t want to invest in commercial storage services either.

What experience does Eagle Transfer have with liquidating offices?

Since 1974, Eagle Transfer has been New York City’s leading commercial liquidation company. We’ve liquidated the offices of many major companies over the years, including Credit Suisse, Estee Lauder, HSBC Bank and many others. When it comes to office liquidation in New York City, our unique mix of experience, professionalism and commitment can’t be beat!