4 Moving Tips for Startups and Tech Companies

tech startup

It’s no secret that many tech companies and startups often grow at astronomical rates in their early years. This often means that it’s time for an office upgrade! However, many startups and young tech companies make rookie mistakes when it comes to moving their office. For startups and tech firms, special care should be taken when moving to a new office. Be sure to keep these four tips in mind for a successful and seamless relocation to your new office!

Backup Any Critical Data

Before physically moving any devices or equipment, make a point to backup any important data in your files. If your computers fail for any reason in the midst of the move, having your data backed up can ensure that it’s still recoverable. This can be done manually, with a backup program or with a cloud service. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Ensure All Devices and Equipment Are Marked Properly

Making sure that all your electronic devices and equipment get to where they need to go in a new office is crucial. Mislabeled or unlabeled devices can get lost or sent to the wrong person, creating new headaches to fix after your big move. Avoid this needless hassle by always properly labelling your devices with who they belong to and where they’ll be going with your new floor plan.

Remember Your Physical Office Components – Not Just Digital

It’s only natural that tech firms and startups are concerned about their digital data. However, it’s also important to remember all of your physical office components too. Make a point to clearly label any file cabinets, desks, chairs, cubicles and furniture before the move and talk to your relocation professional beforehand to hammer out any details.

Roll up Any Cords and Carefully Pack Up Electronic Devices

As a tech company or startup, you’re sure to have plenty of computers and electronic devices lying around. Always roll up cords, wires and plugs carefully before your move starts, as this will help them stay secure and avoid them from becoming lost or entangled. Plus, always carefully pack up computers monitors and other electronic devices very carefully to ensure a safe transfer during the relocation process.