Tuesday Tips: General Office Relocation Tips

office moving tips

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, we’ll take a quick look at a few general office relocation tips for companies, institutions and organizations looking to get started with commercial moving in New York City. Office relocation can certainly seem complex and difficult, especially for businesses without much experience in moving. However, by following a few general tips to gets started, you’d be surprised by how seamless and smooth your office relocation will go! Here are just a few general tips to keep in mind for commercial moving in the New York City area.

  • Plan early! Commercial moving in New York City can be complicated, even for small businesses moving a few blocks away. As a general rule of thumb, try to plan six months in advance at an absolute minimum. For larger businesses, at least two years of advanced planning is typically recommended. Waiting until the last minute for something like an office move is a great way to have a disorganized, chaotic and inefficient relocation!
  • Always reserve elevators and loading docks well in advance. This way, you’ll ensure that your move can go much smoother and more efficiently, not to mention avoid any last-minute surprises that can seriously throw a wrench into your planned relocation.
  •  Schedule your move outside of normal business hours on nights and weekends for a seamless and smooth relocation. This way, you’ll minimize disruption to your business and your employees’ workflow, ensuring that you can hit the ground running once your move is finally complete.
  • Keep your employees informed and knowledgeable of what they need to do! Inform them of your commercial relocation as early as possible and lay out exactly what’s expected of them, such as what they need to pack and when to vacate their workstations on moving day. It’s also a good idea to send weekly or monthly email updates to all employees to keep them in the loop as to how the relocation planning is progressing and also to designate a specific individual in your office as the source to direct all moving-related questions to.
  • Announce your move with social media posts, blog updates, website edits, flyers, radio ads, mailed postcards and the like several weeks before your move. Don’t leave your clients and customers in the dark!
  • Update your digital as well as physical addresses! As most companies have some sort of online presence nowadays, always make a point to update your location and contact information on your business website, social media profiles and the like.