Office Moving on a Budget: 5 Tips to Keep in Mind

office interior

Office moving in New York City can be difficult enough. Doing it on a tight budget can make it even harder! For companies, organizations and institutions with limited budgets – small businesses, startups, nonprofit organizations and the like – office moving often presents a whole new dimension of issues due to budget constraints. Fortunately, there’s a few simple but effective tips to help your commercial moving project go seamlessly and efficiently – even on a budget! Here are just five of them to keep in mind.

Purge Your Office Before Moving

Before your commercial moving project actually begins, always be sure to conduct an office purge by disposing of any unneeded documents and supplies in your office. Office purges are a great way to save both time and money when moving your office, making them great for companies on a tight budget! Be sure to inform your employees clearly on what they can dispose of and when it needs to be done by. You can even have fun doing it by throwing an “office purge party” and getting everyone involved!

Create an Office Moving Budget

In addition, always make an office moving budget in advance of your move. Doing so can help to track expenses, prioritize what needs to be done and offers an opportunity to find savings whenever possible.

Create a Moving Checklist

Creating a moving checklist is another must when your budget is limited. A checklist can help you stay organized and to prioritize what needs to be done, optimizing your efficiency and saving your business both time and money!

Get Everyone Involved

For companies with limited budgets, always enlist the aid of all your employees and managers, even when you hire professional office movers to get the hard part done! Ask them to help with packing and assign certain responsibilities to specific employees to make the overall moving process easier. It’s also a good idea to ask them for any tips they may have come across when moving in prior jobs too!

Scout Out Numerous Locations

Finally, be sure to look at as many office locations as possible within your budget. Although it’s no secret that the New York City office market is very competitive, don’t just take whatever pops up first! Try to take your time – while still operating within the time constraints of your move – to find the best location possible from a financial point of view. It’s also a good idea to draw up multiple floorplans and settle on the one that optimizes efficiency for your company.