Office Moving: 10 General Tips for Getting Started

office moving

Commercial moving in the New York City area can be complex and time-consuming. For businesses large and small, it can seem like an overwhelming task, even for companies who’ve moved around the city many times before. Fortunately, by keeping a few basic tips in mind, your move can go much more seamlessly and efficiently than you’d think! Here are 10 general tips for getting started with commercial moving in New York City.

Plan Everything in Advance

Commercial moving in the New York City area requires a lot of planning and preparation. Try to begin planning at least 6 months in advance and even longer for larger businesses, organizations and institutions.

Purge Your Office Before Moving

To save time, money and space, get rid of any unneeded office content like old furniture and cubicles that won’t be coming to your new office.

Hire Your Office Movers Early

Hire your office movers at least 1 to 3 months ahead of your move and be sure to get estimates early as well.

Update Your Address Both Physically and Online

In addition to updating your mailing address, be sure to update your website, social media profiles and other digital addresses too!

Schedule Appropriately

Take client meetings and deadlines into consideration. Give yourself a buffer zone of a few days where your schedule is free just before your move to ensure you have enough time to pack, clean and address any last-minute issues!

Get the Word Out Early

Always keep your clients and customers informed. Use social media, flyers, mailed postcards, traditional advertising and website updates to announce your move about 2 months in advance.

Reserve Loading Docks and Elevators Early

Be sure to always reserve loading docks and elevators at both your current and new offices buildings well in advance and ask about any special requirements, such as parking limitations or elevators under maintenance.

Draw Up Floorplans

Draw up your floorplans several weeks before moving. This will help you get a good visual of your new office and utilize your space optimally.

Move on Nights and Weekends

When moving, always do so on nights and weekends. This will avoid any major business disruptions and make it easier to coordinate with your office movers!

Let Employees Know What They Have to Do

Early on in the commercial moving process, be sure to keep your employees in the loop and informed of what’s expected on their end. Make sure to they know to pack, what to dispose of and when to vacate the location before your office movers arrive.