Eagle’s Eye Inter-View: Ryan Eisner

Welcome to Eagle’s Eye Inter-View, a new series in which Eagle Transfer profiles the people that help make it one of the leading office movers in New York City.

Ryan Eisner

Role at Eagle Transfer: Vice President, Sales

Describe your role: I have many roles at Eagle Transfer. My primary role is to generate business. I cultivate new business through relationships, networking, and the targeting of key individuals. I help our sales team achieve their individual goals by implementing sales procedures and tactics. Additionally, I manage many of our accounts, helping with their moving and storage needs. Lastly, I am very active with our projects, and am a fixture in the field to ensure quality at our job sites.

Years in commercial moving: 10

Most memorable commercial relocation: This is a tough question, and can’t choose just one. I would have to say Warner Music Group and Kaye Scholer. They were two of the largest relocation projects in New York City in 2014. I was fortunate enough to book both projects which ended up running just about all year. They both were over 500,000 square feet, and I am thankful to still call them both clients today.

Favorite building you’ve done work in: 1 World Trade Center. It represents the spirit of resiliency that New Yorkers have. After 9/11, for the city to have the ability to rebuild downtown and make it what it is today is amazing. Additionally, I have completed many jobs for tenants as well as the Durst Organization property management company. As a result, Durst allowed me to utilize their sky lobby to propose to my wife. 1 WTC will always be a very special place to me.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not working? Spending time with my family, and working out.

Why should you hire Eagle Transfer for your office move? You’re getting the best all-around team. From ownership to the account executives, operations, the project managers, and the movers. The experience we provide our clients with is bar none. Our team takes great pride in ensuring a seamless transition to our clients’ new homes.

Advice for planning an office relocation: The earlier you bring Eagle Transfer in, the easier your relocation will be.

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to nkrommydas@eagletransfer.com