Commercial Moving: 6 Basic Tips for Getting Started

office moving

Commercial moving in a place as busy and complex as New York City can be a daunting task, especially for inexperienced companies. It usually takes months of planning, frequent meetings and many moving parts that have to fall into place exactly right. It’s no surprise then why many companies find even a simple relocation overwhelming! Fortunately, keeping a few basic commercial moving tips in mind can greatly reduce your stress and make your move go seamlessly and smoothly. Here are just six basic commercial moving tips to get started with your relocation project!

Plan Early

Commercial moving isn’t something that can be put off until the last minute before your anticipated move. It requires a lot of planning and preparation at all stages to be fully successful. Try to plan your move at least six months in advance at a minimum. Larger companies should ideally begin planning around two years in advance as well.

Conduct an Office Purge Before Moving

Conducting an office purge is a fantastic way to save time, money and office space when moving. Get everyone in the office together and have them dispose of any unnecessary documents or supplies before your relocation actually starts. This way, you can lighten your load and therefore save both money and space in the long run!

Update Your Physical and Digital Addresses

Several weeks before your office relocation actually starts, be sure to update your address and contact information. In addition to updating your physical address, make a point to update your website and social media profiles as well!

Order New Supplies and Equipment in Advance

When moving, plan carefully when ordering new office supplies and equipment. To make your move more seamless, order what you need well in advance and direct it to your new office location. It’s also a good idea to double check with your vendors that no orders have been scheduled to go to your old location after you’ve moved too!

Reserve Loading Docks and Freight Elevators Ahead of Time

Coordinate closely with your current and new building managers to reserve any freight elevators and loading docks well in advance. Also, make a point to ask the building managers if any special requirements should be observed, such as overnight parking restrictions or strict freight elevator weight limits.

Announce Your Move Several Weeks Prior to Your Relocation

Finally, always announce your move several weeks in advance to inform your customers and clients of your new location. Fortunately, there are many ways to accomplish this nowadays, just a few of which include social media posts, blog updates, website updates, flyers, newsletters, emails, direct mail and TV and radio advertising.