8 Tips for a Seamless Office Move

office moving

Here at Eagle Transfer, we’re committed to making your office relocation as seamless and efficient as possible. To help accomplish this, it’s important to keep a few simple tips in mind to make your office move seamless and without hassle. Here are 8 tips to help your office movers and ensure a smooth and efficient moving experience.

Plan Early

When it comes to office moving, the earlier you start planning the better! Start planning at least six months before the actual move itself; larger companies may require about two years. Before you move, be sure to hire professional office movers, create a moving checklist, draw up floorplans, craft a moving budget and the like.

Move Outside of Normal Business Hours

For a seamless move with minimal hassle, always move on nights or weekends. This will minimize disruption to your business and make everything much easier overall.

Enlist Your Employees for Help

Have your employees pack up their desks and label their crates before moving to help make the relocation quicker and more efficient. In addition, some long-term employees could be used to help supervise newer ones and to help purge documents, organize files before moving and the like.

Plan Ahead for Building and Elevator Access

At both your current and new office locations, always be sure to reserve elevators and loading docks well in advance. Always ask if there’s any special requirements during a move, such as limited parking times and any elevators under maintenance that may not be available for use.

Stay in Contact with Your Office Movers

Always keep in close contact with your office movers before, during and after a commercial move. Address any questions the minute they arise and don’t leave anything to chance, even for a simple move across the street!

Announce Your Office Move

Reach out to your clients, customers and the general public with office move announcements. Failing to do so can create unneeded confusion and greatly disrupt your business operations. Fortunately, this can be accomplished in a number of ways, such as social media, email newsletters, flyers, radio ads, blog and website updates and mailed postcards.

Take an Inventory Before Moving

If possible, take an inventory before moving. Doing so can help you track of your office items and create a more sensible floorplan for your new office.

Organize Your Documents and Purge Unneeded Files

Finally, be sure to effectively organize your documents for a seamless and efficient office move. Create a catalog for your documents, organize them by type and make photocopies of vital files. In addition, always be sure to backup any digital files on your computers and take the opportunity to purge any unnecessary documents to save your company time and money during the office moving process.