Tuesday Tips: Making Your Office Move More Efficient

office moving nyc

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, let’s take a quick look at how to make your commercial moving project in New York City more efficient. While commercial moving can certainly seem overwhelming for companies of any size, focusing on efficiency allows you to cut costs and time as well as make your relocation project much more organized and simplified. To that end, here are just a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to making your commercial moving project more efficient!

  • Conduct an office purge before moving. Conducting an office purge shortly before moving your office is a great way to make your relocation more efficient. Ask your employees to dispose of any unneeded materials, files and office supplies before moving. In doing so, your business can save both time and money at once!
  • Delegate key tasks to specific employees and departments. Office moving, even for startups and small businesses, is often too complex for just a few people to handle. Instead, assign key tasks to specific employees and ask each department to pitch in as a team. In doing so, your office moving project will be more efficient and simpler.
  • Create a color coding system if you’re tagging your own office content. If you’re planning to use your own tags for your move, create a color coding system to signify where specific boxes and crates will be placed in your new office. Doing so will make your move much more efficient and organized!
  • Develop an office moving timeline and budget. To maximize efficiency, it’s also important to create a moving timeline and budget. Creating a moving timeline can help to prioritize key tasks to accomplish by certain deadlines and stay organized. Moving budgets are also a great way to keep track of any moving-related expenses, cut costs wherever possible and better ascertain how the relocation will impact your company’s bottom line.
  • Create a diagram of your new office to plan your move. Finally, as your commercial moving project in New York City gets closer to getting underway, create a diagram of your new office layout and go over it in detail with your office movers. This will help everyone involved in the move get a better understanding of the new floorplan and how the move can be made simpler and more efficient overall.