Tuesday Tips: Getting Started on Your Office Move

Office Boxes

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

This week, let’s take a brief look at getting started on your commercial moving project from the beginning. While commercial moving in a place as dense, expensive and busy as New York City can certainly seem overwhelming, following a few simple but effective steps in the early stages of your move can make things go much more smoothly. To that end, here are just a few tips when it comes to getting started on your commercial moving project in New York City.

  • Begin planning strategically and early. Start planning your office move at least six months in advance at a bare minimum. Always create a moving timeline to keep track of key tasks and when they absolutely need to be completed by, such as hiring office movers, drawing up new floorplans, locking down a new office location and the like.
  • Plan your move around your new office space.  Collect as much information as possible about your new office space. Try to obtain any blueprints and technical layouts if possible to help better plan your move and create a new floorplan. It’s also a good idea to draw up a list of potential issues that could be encountered in your new location and address them with your office movers.
  • Gather your staff and inform them of what’s expected on their end. Be upfront with your employees about the planned move and always keep them in the loop as to what the key deadlines are, when the move is planned and the like. It’s generally a good idea to assign veteran employees as coordinators for the move and hold regular meetings as well.
  • Create an office moving budget. Creating an office moving budget is another great idea for getting started on your office move. They’re a great way to track expenses and determine the move’s impact on your bottom line!
  • Assign office moving tasks to employees. Finally, be sure to assign specific tasks to employees when in the process of planning a commercial moving project. Start by creating a list of key tasks and deadlines for when they should be completed by. From there, delegate them out to respective employees and departments. Stay in close contact with your company’s department heads to see what’s needed on their end and how the move preparation is coming along.