Office Moving for Law Firms: A Checklist

office moving

So, your law firm is looking into moving in the New York City area. Sounds good, but where do you begin?

Office moving for law firms can be tricky due to the many things that need to be done beforehand. Fortunately, simply by following a few tips, your office moving experience can go seamlessly, efficiently and smoothly. This checklist offers a few key things to keep in mind as your law firm prepares to relocate.

Notify Key Personnel and Organizations

Notifying important people, institutions and organizations before you move is critical and should be done well in advance of your actual relocation.

Key people and groups to notify include your current and former clients, local courts, bar associations, opposing counsels, financial institutions and insurance companies. Keeping them informed of your move can minimize confusion and make sure the office runs smoothly after the relocation has taken place.

Update Your Digital and Physical Business Addresses

In addition to changing physical address, be sure to update your website, social media accounts and any advertising forms. Also, make a point to update any form documents, business cards and checks as well to reflect your new address.

Keep Your Employees Updated Frequently

Office moving requires teamwork, coordination and communication. To that end, its crucial to enlist the aid of your employees during your office relocation as well as keep them in the loop as to how the move is progressing.

Create a checklist for them to ensure that their work stations are packed up and cleaned out by the time your commercial movers arrive. It’s also a good idea to send out weekly email updates and designate someone, preferably an HR professional, as a point of contact for which all moving -related questions can be directed to.

Create a Floorplan Well in Advance

Draft up your floorplan several months in advance of your move. It’s also a good idea to notify your attorneys and other personnel as to where their new locations in the office will be beforehand to get up and running as quickly as possible after the relocation is complete.