Office Moving: 5 Questions to Ask About Your New Location

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Commercial moving, especially in a place like New York City, can be pretty difficult. Let’s face it – it’s not easy to hire professional office movers with the right skills and knowledge, draw up new floorplans, coordinate with your current and new building management and select the right location for your new office. Speaking of selecting the right location, there’s several things to keep in mind when considering commercial moving to a new office.

Getting your new location right is absolutely critical for an effective office move, yet sometimes its overlooked during the hectic pace and organized chaos of the overall moving process. However, those seriously considering commercial moving in New York City should always ask themselves these five questions when considering a new office location.

Is the new location convenient for customers and clients?

It’s certainly important to ensure that your new location is accessible for your employees, but it’s also important that clients and customers have convenient access to the new location as well. Retailers should aim for neighborhoods with heavy foot traffic while those with clients coming in from the suburbs should be sure to choose locations convenient to commuter transportation options.

Is the new location accessible for employees?

Ensure that the new location is convenient to transit options for your workforce. Consider where they’re commuting from and talk to them to gauge their opinions of where the new location should ideally be.

How will the company’s growth impact the new location?

When choosing a new location, it’s critical to think several years ahead and not simply concentrate on the present. Companies and institutions intending to downsize at the moment and over the next several years should aim for a smaller and more economical location. Likewise, businesses, institutions and organizations aiming for growth should look for larger office spaces that are able to accommodate larger workforces in the future.

Is the new location financially feasible for the company?

When just starting to begin commercial moving, think carefully about how your company’s financial health factors in. Businesses that are struggling financially or looking to downsize to save money should weigh their options carefully and take only a new office space that makes financial sense.

Is any offsite storage needed during or after the corporate relocation?

This is an important but often overlooked question to address early on in the commercial moving process. When drawing up floorplans and scouting for a new location, consider what office content you’ll be bringing with you. Temporary storage space should be considered for any equipment, furnishing and other office content that might not be moved in during the move. Companies looking to downsize but save at least some office content should look into long-term offsite commercial storage options for safekeeping.