How to Avoid Rookie Mistakes When Office Moving

office moving

Let’s face it: we all make mistakes. This is especially true for New York City companies inexperienced with commercial moving, especially startups and companies used to being in just one office for the long haul. When it comes to commercial moving in New York City, rookie mistakes can cost your business dearly and complicate your office relocation project. To that end, here are a few tips to keep in mind on how to avoid rookie mistakes when getting ready for a commercial moving project!

Always Make a Moving Checklist

When starting a commercial moving project, always be sure to make a moving checklist. Creating a detailed office moving checklist is a great way to keep track of what needs to be done for your relocation as well as prioritize key tasks and stay organized.

Create a Moving Budget and Timeline

Another common rookie mistake among some companies is failing to make a moving budget and timeline. Failing to do so can impact your firm’s bottom line and make for a messy, disorganized move. Avoid these complications by creating a moving budget to keep an eye on your expenses and a timeline to stay organized and plan your move at a reasonable pace that leaves plenty of time to accomplish key tasks on-time.

Plan Well in Advance

Too many companies think they can wait until just a few weeks before hiring office movers and preparing for the relocation. This is a big mistake! Began planning at least six months in advance at a bare minimum. Doing this will give you plenty of breathing room and ample time to check off all the pints on your office moving checklist.

Back Up Your Critical Data

An overlooked but costly mistake is failing to back up your critical data on your computers. Always do this several days before actually moving and remember to save files on cloud servers like Google Drive too, just to be safe!

Keep the Lines of Communication Open with Your Employees and Office Movers

Finally, communication is absolutely critical when it comes to relocating your office. Always reach out to your office movers if you have any questions and utilize their knowledge to your benefit. It’s also very important to keep our employees in the loop as well. Send out weekly or monthly emails to keep your staff informed about how the move is progressing and always email your employees with detailed notices about when to observe critical deadlines, such as when workstations should be packed up and vacated or when an office purge should be completed by.