Getting the Word Out About Your Office Move

office moving

Office moving can certainly be a stressful time. There’s new office spaces to scout out, boxes to pack and professional moves to hire. It may be tempting to relax after all the tough work with office moving is finally finished, but there’s one vital but overlooked thing to do: notify people about your office move.

Without letting your clients, customers and others know about your new office location, you run the risk of severe business disruption that can have a very detrimental effect on your bottom line. A retail business that fails to adequately inform its customer base about its new location will almost certainly suffer a severe drop in foot traffic and thus revenue, seriously hurting their financial situation. However, by taking the time to properly notify customers, clients and other stakeholders in your business, your office move will go much smoother and more seamlessly. Here are just a few ways to get the word out about your office move.

Email Newsletters

When in the process of office moving, sending out email newsletters a few weeks prior to your move can be very effective. If you have a customer or client contact list available, sending a mass email blast about your new location and address information can be a helpful way to get the word out efficiently.

Website Updates

Prior to moving, always update your website regarding your new location. It’s a quick and economical way to let people know about your office move. Make a point to also update your contact information as well.

Social Media

If your company has social media profiles like Twitter and Facebook, be sure to post about your new office location to inform the public. Also, be sure to change your location information once you move.

Direct Mail

An old fashioned yet very effective way to communicate, direct mail in the form of postcards and newsletters can help to ensure that your customers and clients are informed in a physical way. When combined with digital updates on your website, email blasts and social media profiles, direct mail can offer another layer of insurance when reaching out to the public.

Press Releases

A press release is a great way to notify the larger public of your office move. Be sure that the press release contains your new location as well as your updated contact information and relevant people to contact for questions.

Flyers and Signs

Finally, posting a simple sign on your door before your office moving begins can be very effective at getting peoples’ attention. Flyers sent out in customer bags, invoices and receipts are another simple yet effective way to reach people directly.