Communicating Your Office Move: What Should Be on Your Checklist?

When it comes to commercial moving, communication is key. A company that fails to properly inform its clients, customers and vendors of its planned office move will face serious headaches in both the short-term and the long-term. Likewise, companies that get the word out about their planned commercial moving project will have a much smoother and easier move overall. But just what exactly should be on your commercial moving communications checklist? Read on for a few ideas!

Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are a great way to communicate your planned office move to your customers and clients. Try to send them out about two to three days before moving and on the day of your actual move as well. This will help ensure that your customers and clients have not only received the newsletter but are also reminded about it too.

Website and Social Media

Don’t forget about your website and social media accounts too! Be sure your website updates go live the day of your move, though it’s also a good idea to post new content about your planned move at least a week or two in advance. If you have a blog, be sure to post a blog post the day before and the day of moving as well to help communicate with the public. Be sure to also update any social media accounts just before moving too with your new address and contact information.

Email Signatures

Updating your email signatures is an overlooked but important item to include on your checklist too. Just before moving, be sure to remind employees to take a minute to update their email signatures in Outlook or other email system you use to reflect your new address and contact information. Failing to update it may cause confusion in the future when communicating with clients and external vendors.


Mailing postcards is a simple yet effective way to get the word out about your planned business relocation. Be sure to include your new address, contact information and possibly the proximity from your old address too if it’s not too far.

Brochures and Business Cards

Be sure to also update any business brochures and business cards. This should be done several weeks before moving to ensure that all the materials and correct and arrive in time for your planned move.

Press Releases

Press releases are another good idea of what to include on your commercial moving checklist. They’re a great way to not only get the word out about your relocation, but also generate some buzz too!