5 Challenges – and Solutions – to Office Moving

office moving

It’s no secret that office moving in New York City can be tough work. It requires a lot of planning, preparation and coordination to make a successful move. Companies who are unprepared will almost certainly suffer from lost productivity before, during and after their move, costing them dearly in the long run.

Although office moving can be fraught with challenges, sound preparation and planning can help it be a seamless and painless experience, too. Companies and institutions looking to relocate should be aware of these five common challenges – and their solutions.

Challenge: Productivity can be lost during the office move.

Solution: Office moving without adequate planning and preparation beforehand can result in lost productivity due to downtime when technology and workstations are still being set up. To work around this, always do your commercial moving on nights and weekends to minimize any downtime and disruption to productivity in the office.

Challenge: Poor communication with clients and customers can result in lost business.

Solution: Always be sure to notify your customers and clients several weeks in advance before your move. This can be accomplished in many ways, including social media, email newsletters, website updates and traditional advertising.

Challenge: You don’t know your new office space well enough.

Solution: Get to know your new office space beforehand. Always draw up a sensible floorplan and be sure you know where your electrical outlets, phone connections, technology, furniture, files and employee workstations will be ahead of time.

Challenge: You don’t have room for all of your office content at your new place of business.

Solution: This is where office storage comes in. If you’re downsizing or simply don’t have room for all of your office content in your new location, make a point to find adequate office storage space to store any office content you can’t fit into your new business hub. Doing so is an affordable way to maximize space and avoid overcrowding your new office.

Challenge: Employees aren’t in the loop when it comes to moving.

Solution: Employees who aren’t sure of when, where and how your move will happen can be a serious issue. Always keep employees in the loop with frequent email updates and by designating an individual, such as the HR professional, as the official point of contact for any questions about your office moving process.