What’s the Best Time of Year for an Office Move in NYC?

Expert NYC Commercial Movers Tell When’s the Best Time for an Office Move.


Man, it’s a scorcher out there. At the time when this blog is being written, it’s 87º in Manhattan. But with all that nasty humidity – and the blasts of heat coming up through the subway grates – the “feels like” temperature is even hotter. Welcome to New York Sweaty.

You may have read articles about truck drivers facing unthinkable temperatures in their non-air-conditioned trucks. Rest assured, that’s not the case with us – Eagle Transfer’s fleet of trucks is updated and modern, offering state-of-the art features like climate control in the cargo area, as well as in the cab. So, with this knowledge safely tucked in your cap, you might be wondering “what’s the best time of year for an office move in NYC?”

First, take into consideration your business needs. Are there certain dates when you cannot have disruption, like Tax Day or in the days leading up to Christmas? You’ll want to schedule your move so there’s minimal disruption to your business as usual (BAU). If your business is slow during the holidays, that could be the right time for you.

You should also consider the real estate market. The New York City real estate market can fluctuate: Generally, the demand for office spaces and rentals is higher during the spring and summer months when more people are looking to move. If your company is looking for more options and potentially better deals, consider relocating during the winter months when the market may be less competitive.

In general, peak season for business relocation is between Memorial Day and Labor Day…because weather is more predictable, and safe. Navigating large trucks on icy streets lined with snowbanks can be difficult, even for the most skilled drivers. Spring and summer can be a slower time for many businesses, especially those with European HQs. Businesses that are moving into NYC (and bringing their families) may want to move during the summer months so that kids can be in their new school at the start of the school year. But being “in demand” can also lead to higher costs.

If you’re looking for lower rates, most commercial movers’ rates are lower during the winter months. However, NYC is bustling with tourist activity – lots of pop-up shops and of course, Rockefeller Center’s magnificent tree. That makes February and March more favorable since there’s no holiday traffic like there is in December and January.

Ultimately, the best time for a corporate relocation in NYC will be a balance between factors like weather, real estate market conditions, employee needs, and budget constraints. Be sure to plan well in advance, and if possible, consult with a professional relocation company like Eagle Transfer to get personalized advice based on your specific situation. Contact us today.