Tuesday Tips: 3 Common Issues to be Aware of Before a Commercial Move

A sure way to blemish an otherwise successful relocation is by encountering an unwanted surprise, or as we like to call it “Party Poopers”. The key to avoiding a blunder is planning, planning and more planning. Leave no stone unturned and ensure every contingency is accounted for.

Here are 3 common issues to avoid before a move: 

1) Make sure construction is completed before the move in. Performing a relocation while numerous trades are working and accesses are restricted is not the most effective way to complete a project.

2 ) Ensure that you have the elevators booked for exclusive use. Having your mover performing the relocation while competing for elevator trips with two (or three or four) other moving companies is also not efficient.

3) Check with your current landlord to find out exactly what condition your space needs to be left in. If needed, your mover can assist in removing unwanted items.
