Change makes people nervous – especially when it comes to moving. Office moving is no exception. “What if my commute is longer?” “What if my new cubicle is next to a loud person?” “Where’s the bathroom?” After nearly 50 years in the corporate relocation business, Eagle Transfer has moved thousands of businesses, big and small. So, while you leave the moving logistics to trusted professionals like us, here are a few ways to make the move fun and exciting for your trusted staff.
ONE: Inform Employees
Nobody likes to be left in the dark – uncertainly thrives on a lack of information. As soon as you’ve signed the lease on the new property, tell your staff. It’s exciting! New! If there are amenities you didn’t have before – a gym, a cafeteria, an on-site daycare – make sure they know. Inform them in advance which bus lines serve the area, and which subway stop is closest to the new office. Hold a meeting and offer them a virtual tour of the space through photos and videos. Interior, exterior – even the restrooms.
TWO: Hold a Lunch ’n Learn
Employees may be worried about the upcoming move because they’ll miss their daily rituals. Stopping at the local coffee shop, and having the barista know their name. Or getting the best Reuben at Katz’s every Wednesday. Hold a lunch ’n learn for your employees and bring in takeout from the area where the new office is located. Get employees excited about new rituals and new restaurants.
THREE: Everybody loves swag (stuff we all get) right?
How about a new sweatshirt with the company’s logo and new address? Gym bags? If you don’t have time to pre-order something custom, you can always give your employees a $25 gift card and invite them to deck out their new offices and cubes with some new office supplies, a lamp or furniture.
FOUR: Get Staff Involved
What should we name the new conference rooms? Should we put a ping-pong table in the common area? What are some items that will be needed for a nursing mothers’ room? Hold a meeting or start committees dedicated to customizing the new office space and truly making it yours. Color schemes? Rock climbing walls? Bean bag chairs and disco balls? Your staff will feel more valued if their voices are heard and feel like their ideas matter.
FIVE: Get Competitive
Which team is packed first? Which team had the largest pile of trash to dispose of before the move? Which team shredded the most? Create small, attainable competitions to incentivize teams leading up to moving day, and host pizza parties or bring in breakfast for the winning teams.
SIX: Host Happy Hour
Once your corporate relocation is complete, host an after-hours happy hour, allowing people to roam around, get to know their new cubicle neighbors, and to celebrate success of the move. You can also showcase the new space to clients, vendors, and other people you do business with. Your pride of ownership will be contagious and your employees will soon feel right at home.
Office moving is a serious undertaking – whether you have 20 employees or 2,000. Moving computer equipment and servers, disassembling cubicles, moving heavy items like file cabinets and photocopiers is best left to a professional moving company, like Eagle Transfer. We’ve helped move some of the largest companies in Manhattan, including health and labs relocations, art relocations and corporate relocations of nearly every business sector.