Quarter 4 2020 in Review

Q4 2020 in Review

2020 was a tough year for many New Yorker’s – especially business owners. Yet as many Manhattan businesses shuttered, relocated to less expensive leases or consolidated – Eagle Transfer found ourselves as busy as ever, helping businesses large and small adapt to “the new normal.” Here are some of the industries we served (in the 4th quarter alone!):

Net Lease REIT
Eagle Transfer rose to the challenge when we moved W.P. Carey – leader in the net lease industry. Due to high traffic of their 40,000 square-foot space at Rockefeller Plaza – and for additional security – the move had to be performed at midnight. This minimized street-traffic disruption as well as disturbance to other tenants. To compound the challenge, the new office space was just as elite – W.P. Carey relocated to 1 Manhattan West, the new 67-story skyscraper complex that’s turning heads on the West Side. We packed and loaded computer equipment, desks and chairs for 200 employees, plus office furniture, common-area furnishings, servers and more. Thanks to the professionalism of the team and some expert project management, the entire move went off without a hitch.

Scotiabank, one of Canada’s Big Five banks, contracted Eagle Transfer to decommission their Boston satellite office. We broke down the office and helped liquidate assets, and then performed technology relocation for servers, computers and other sensitive equipment destined for their downtown NYC headquarters. By employing custom-designed containers, “bubble bags” for monitors and static-free blankets for wrapping, Eagle Transfer offered Scotiabank the greatest possible protection of their IT resources. Now that’s money well spent.

On November 2nd to 4th, Eagle Transfer relocated the Three Lives & Company book store. This friendly neighborhood bookshop in Greenwich Village was forced to temporarily relocate, because their centuries-old building was undergoing renovations. Eagle Transfer to the rescue! Our team tagged, packed and moved all of the books, using library conveyors to transport the books. The many large, heavy bookcases were disassembled, carefully labeled and stored, so they can be reused when the renovation is complete and Three Lives & Company moves back to their former home. At the new location in the West Village, our movers took great care to unpacking the books in the same order for easy alphabetization and display at the new location. 


District Council 9 provides innovative workmanship of the highest quality. This organization of painters, decorators, drywall finishers, bridge and steel painters (and more!) have been servicing the New York area for over 100 years. We were proud to return the favor – outfitting an all-new training center at their West 14th Street location. Eagle Transfer delivered new furniture and installed it, across multiple classrooms, training areas and 13 offices. We assembled all desks and placed chairs throughout, plus common area furniture. When we were done, the training center was poised and ready for students of all trades, ages and walks of life.

Legal Department

A large NY-based media company relocated their legal department. Our team of professionals tagged, packed and relocated over 3,000 linear feet of files. In addition to all of these heavy filing cabinets, we performed art relocation services, carefully packing and crating large amounts of artwork displayed in the office. Our movers carefully packed computers, peripherals and phones, in addition to packing and tagging the desks and their contents, chairs, credenzas and more for 75 lawyers, paralegals and admins. All service was provided on time and on budget. Case closed!

Real Estate Development

A large real estate development company tapped Eagle Transfer for their relocation, moving assets from the company’s 5th Avenue office space to a new space, further down 5th Avenue. We also moved a portion of the assets to a second satellite office in New Jersey. Moving teams were allocated to each location, and our project management team ensured all boxes, technology equipment and office furniture were carefully labeled and loaded to ensure that all assets arrived at the correct location. Our movers disassembled all of the office furniture and re-assembled it in the two new locations, plus technology relocation – ensuring proper fit and flow of the two new spaces, while maintaining a safe distance for the workers. Finally, we provided liquidation services at the original 5th Avenue space, including electronics and hard-drive disposal, furniture and workstation breakdown, recycling of files and donating furniture and other unneeded items.

We moved a large media company from three locations – 5th Ave, Columbus Circle and Lex – to one new space in Hell’s Kitchen. This huge consolidation included moving a fully operational studio, with film cutters, flat files, and multiple shelving units – with minimal disruption. Aside from office furniture, computers, printers and server technology, we also packed all 250 employees’ items (many of them were working from home at the time) as well as common area file cabinets and furniture. The move was conducted over a 2-week span to allow business as usual to continue seamlessly.

Don’t see your industry represented here? Since 1974, we’ve moved hundreds of businesses, laboratories, schools and colleges – plus we offer full FF&E for hotels in the NYC area.