office-730681_1920On Friday night Eagle Transfer was all over the city moving law firms, large financial institutions, large long term accounts and new smaller businesses. One account we are lucky to regularly work with is Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP. Our partnership with Davis Polk & Wardwell is multi-faceted as we handle storage, internal shifts and new furniture delivery for the firm. The highlighted move this week will be a new furniture delivery we completed for Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP on Friday night.

Warehouse Preparation

On Friday three full truckloads were delivered to the Davis Polk & Wardwell offices at 450 Lexington Avenue. This job started early Friday morning, when movers working in our warehouse began loading the trucks. Using our online inventory management system, the client specified which pieces needed to be delivered earlier in the week. This ensured the correct items are being pulled from storage and delivered to Davis Polk & Wardwell.

Trucking Logistics

The first truck left the warehouse at 4PM, second at 4:30PM and the last at 5PM. Staggering the departure of trucks in this manor gives the movers on site enough time to unload each truck before the other arrives, keeping the loading dock clear.

On-Site Preparation

To ensure the walls and floors in the office would not get damaged during the move, we lined the floors and walls with protective surfaces. For the floor protection we laid masonite, a hardboard which completely covers the floor and still allows wheels on dollies to roll quickly. To protect the walls we installed koroflex, which is essentially a 72 inch tall heavily corrugated material which we line walls with, providing maximum protection.


At 6PM, Three Eagle Transfer drivers, Seven Eagle Transfer movers and one Eagle Transfer project manager began unloading and properly placing the new furniture in seven offices according to floor plans provided by Davis Polk & Wardwell. Once furniture was delivered and placed, Eagle Transfer movers stripped the new pieces of all plastic and styrofoam protection.

Clean Up

The last step in this move was cleaning up. This means removing all of the protection on the walls and floor and reloading the trucks with all equipment used to deliver the furniture. The job went as planned and finished up at 10:45pm.

In conclusion the move was a success. Seven Davis Polk & Wardwell partners were extremely happy arriving to their newly furnished offices this morning!