Tips on How to Communicate Your New York City Office Move to Staff

Communication is critical in many aspects of life, but especially when dealing with a commercial relocation. Since office moving in New York City can be complex and sometimes overwhelming for all parties involved, its essential to communicate on an effective basis with everyone, most notably staff, about the project. A good staff communication plan goes far beyond just letting them know about a change in business address. If you want to truly engage employees in the process of the change in workplace, design a good staff communication plan and make sure to inform them in a timely manner.

Keeping your channels of communication open, laying out clear instructions and asking questions are all vital for any commercial moving project. Failing to do so will only make your office move more complicated! With that in mind, here are a few simple but effective tips for communicating with staff during a commercial moving project.

Create a thorough messaging plan. Sure, the business is relocating, but what other messages should be conveyed to your staff about the commercial move? Will the new office help grow the business? Will it create a better working environment for staff? Will it give a more positive impression to clients and visitors?Review your key messages before you’re ready to deliver the news, so you can communicate clearly, concisely, and confidently.

Methods of communication. How you communicate your message is just as important as the message itself. Try to use a variety of methods such as one-to-one meetings, team briefings, notice board, and CEO staff newsletter. This gives everyone a chance to ask questions, read up about the new office at their leisure, and feel like they’re part of the process.

Inform your employees early. No one wants to be blindsided, especially where they spend most of their time during the week. When it comes to office moving, give your employees and managers plenty of time to prepare. Inform your staff immediately after you decide to officially relocate your office to avoid any resentment from employees and distracting rumors that may hamper productivity

Designate a point of contact for all moving-related questions. It’s also a good idea to designate a point of contact, such as an HR professional, to direct all moving-related questions to. This will centralize any questions or concerns and make addressing them more efficient and effective.

Send out weekly or monthly email updates. When moving, send out weekly or monthly progress updates to employees about how the move is progressing, what’s been accomplished so far, and what still needs to be done. Keeping your employees informed through every step of the process will help your move go much smoother and keep everyone and on the same page as to what’s happening. Getting staff involved will keep morale levels high throughout the move and help them to feel valued and engaged.

Use your office movers. Don’t be afraid to ask your office movers, the professionals, for advice! As a leading New York City office mover, we’ve seen and know how to handle it all. Open communications and adequate coordination between companies and professional office movers is critical for an effective and timely office relocation.

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to