Avoid Issues Before Your New York City Office Move With These Tips

Credit: The Spruce

Whether your business is opening a new location, moving to a bigger space, or just shifting some things around, we know office moves in New York City can be a cause of great anxiety. And usually, there’s not a whole lot of time to get it all done; you can’t exactly shut down operations for a week to sort things out. You can avoid this type of stress, however, by planning, planning, and yes: planning.

A sure way to blemish an otherwise successful New York City commercial relocation is by encountering an unwanted surprise. Leave no stone unturned and ensure every contingency is accounted for.

Here are a few quick office moving tips we’ve learned throughout our 40-plus years as New York City’s top mover.

1) Make sure construction is fully completed before the move takes place. Performing a New York City office relocation while numerous trades like contractors and electricians are working and accesses are restricted is not the most effective way to complete a project. It could lead to delays, increased costs, or even worse, potential for injury. Avoid this by having a clear line of dialogue with the trades on when their part of the project will be completed.

2) Unless your company owns the building you are entering or leaving, you will need to get a full breakdown of all building rules around relocating. Likely, you will only to move during non-business hours and so you must put in a special request to use the freight elevator. Get these rules from building management as early as you can, since it will dictate the logistics of moving day and help everything go smoothly.

3) In line with the above, ensure that you have the elevators booked for exclusive use. Having your mover performing the relocation while competing for elevator trips with deliveries or janitorial services or two (or three or four) other moving companies is not efficient, and you’ll have to eat those costs.

4) Check with your current landlord to find out exactly what condition your space needs to be left in. Does it need to be “broom swept”? If needed, your mover can assist in removing unwanted items. Eagle Transfer has been a top liquidator in New York City for over 40 years, and is fully capable of providing such services in any type of office.

5) An office relocation is stressful on everyone, including your employees. As a “thank you” for everyone’s cooperation in making it happen and as a way to celebrate your new space, budget in a small party for after the move. Even something small in the first week after moving will show your staff how much you appreciate their help and welcome in exciting things at the new office.

To have Eagle Transfer help with your upcoming New York City office move, call Niko Krommydas at 212-741-0404 or send an email to nkrommydas@eagletransfer.com