Tuesday Tips: Moving a Large Corporate Office

office employees moving

Welcome to this week’s edition of Tuesday Tips!

Right now, let’s take a quick look at office moving for large corporations in New York City. Commercial moving in the New York City area can be very complex and time consuming – especially for large corporations with thousands of employees looking for millions of new square feet of office space! Fortunately, keeping a few simple tips in mind can help you and your office movers have a much easier time. With that being said, here are just a few things to keep in mind when it comes to helping out your professional office movers and ensuring that your office relocation goes as smoothly and seamlessly as it possibly can!

  • Plan early! Large corporations, as expected, require a lot more planning and preparation time than smaller businesses. As a general rule of thumb, try to begin planning your office relocation around two years in advance. Your office movers should be hired about three months in advance at a bare minimum. When it comes to planning and preparing for your office move, the sooner the better!
  • Ensure access to freight elevators and loading docks well before your move. Always talk to your building management ahead of time and reserve any freight elevators and loading docks for your office movers. If any issues or complications arise, be sure to address them right away to avoid any further headaches that could impact your planned office move in a negative way.
  • Develop a plan and communicate with your employees to make sure your office relocation goes smoothly and efficiently. Announce your move to your employees and make sure they know exactly what’s expected of them, such as when to leave on moving day and what exactly needs to be packed up. It’s also a good idea to designate your HR professional as a point of contact to direct any moving-related questions to. Weekly email updates for your employees about how the move is progressing is another good way to keep everyone in the loop and knowledgeable as to any changes.
  • Create a moving checklist to help stay organized and efficient. This could include important items like hiring commercial movers, updating your contact information, reserving freight elevators and loading docks and the like.
  • Meet with your department heads to go over the move in detail. Be sure to keep everyone informed as to what tasks need to be completed on time and what’s expected of each department. This way, everyone’s specific needs can be addressed in a timely manner.