10 Budgeting Tips for Office Moving


Office moving is a complex and tiring endeavor. An overlooked yet crucial aspect of office moving is effective budgeting. Failing to properly budget can cause serious financial headaches down the line, even if your move goes seamlessly and without any hassle. However, by following a few simple tips, you can effectively budget for your office move and help your relocation go quickly, efficiently and seamlessly.

When looking into New York City office moving companies, drawing up new floorplans and scouting for new office locations, be sure to keep these budgeting tips in mind. They can help your commercial relocation go much more efficiently and seamlessly!

Budget for All Expenses

When office moving, be sure to budget for all expenses, even unforeseen ones. Be sure to include any potential repair and construction costs associated with your new office as well.

Take an Inventory Before Packing

Taking an inventory will help give you a better picture of what’s moving to your new location and how it will factor into your overall budget. Taking an inventory can also help reduce employee theft and effectively budget for any lost, stolen or damaged items.

Make Sure You’re Not Incurring Any Additional Penalties or Fees

If you’re ending you’re lease early, always be sure to contact your landlord about any additional fees or penalties this may incur and factor them into your moving budget costs.

Calculate the Cost of Your Moving Announcement

Take into account the financial costs of any press releases, flyers, direct mail, ads and digital changes associated with announcing your office move.

Take Utility Costs into Account

Always estimate the costs of moving or terminating your phone, Internet, gas, electricity and other utilities. This will help to avoid any unexpected surprises after your office moving is all complete.

Create a List of All Moving Expenses

Always create a list of all moving expenses that includes items such as technology installation, hiring a commercial mover, furniture moving and the like. Doing so will help you factor all of your expenses into account and gain a better overall view of your budget.

Remember to Get Insurance Quotes

Obtaining multiple insurance quotes before moving can help your company save money and budget more effectively. Remember to take into account factors such as damage, loss and theft.

Budget for Advertising and Marketing

After your office moving is complete, your company will likely continue any marketing or advertising campaigns in areas such as radio, TV, newspapers and the like. Be sure to factor these into account as well.

Take Moving Distance and Timeline into Account

Be sure to factor in time and distance. A move across state lines typically costs more than a move a few blocks away while a tighter moving deadline generally means higher relocation costs as well.

Estimate Any Potential Revenue Losses Upfront

Finally, be sure to estimate any potential loss in business revenue during your move upfront and factor it into your overall budget. Be sure to include the decline of sales revenue that could result from your commercial relocation.